Viveros Hernandorena, one of the main objectives is to obtain a healthy, homogeneous and good quality plant, therefore, the Mother Plant Field (MPF) plays a fundamental role for obtaining healthy, clonal and reliable plant material in order to multiply the varieties that our customers request from us year after year.
We have a total of 2.5 Ha. of mother trees with initial and certified plant material obtained from different research centers such as CTIFL, CAV, IVIA, EIG and CYTICEX, among others. Recently, we have launched a new plot located in the Catadau area, which is isolated from fruit plantations to avoid the transmission of diseases. In this field, this spring we already have the authorization for cutting buds of its sanitary category.
We work with 11 different fruit species and we have 220 varieties. For the protected varieties, the different breeders trust us their varieties and we have the multiplication licenses. We have also increased the amount of mother trees of free varieties such as kaki, pomegranate or quince.
We constantly introduce new commercial varieties to the Mother Plant Field (MPF), in order to keep up-to-date and know the newest in order to best advise the customer. In this way the nursery remains capable of producing healthy plants of new varieties.
Depending on the demand of each variety, we choose the amount of mother trees to be planted, in order to obtain a pre-determined number of buds.
Before cutting the buds for multiplication, the varietal check must be carried out, rigorously checking the blooming and ripening of the newly planted variety to corroborate the varietal authenticity.
As for sanitary verification, both internal self-control analyzes are carried out periodically on mother trees, as well as from the Plant Health Agriculture Department Goverment from Valencia, to carry out external and official control of diseases and maintain 100 % plant health. Depending on the species, different diseases are analyzed according to the Technical
Regulations for the production of plants in nurseries. Once it has been verified that there is no infection, the official departments give us authorization to obtain the Phytosanitary Passport, which certifies that the plant is healthy and can be marketed.
We think that it is essential to have a Mother Plant Field (MPF) with the highest possible health to guarantee future plantations. This requires an effort for the company of economic investment, tasks, organization and surface area every year. But it pays off, because we fight with prevention to maintain maximum plant health in our producto: “plants for professional agriculture”.