GF-677: Obtained by INRA (France). Crossing of peach (Prunus persica) x almond (Prunus amigdalus). It is the most used rootstock in the European fruit growing in recent decades. It has an excellent affinity with varieties of peaches, nectarines, almonds and some varieties of plum trees. It adapts well to limestone soils and tolerates well ferric chlorosis. Moderate tolerance to drought and root asphyxia. It is one of the most sensitive rootstocks to nematodes. It confers a high vigour.
Garnem®: Obtained by CITA (Aragón, Spain). Cross of Garfi almond (Prunus amigdalus) x Nemared peach (Prunus persica). Rootstock with less tolerance to root asphyxia and limestone soils than GF 677, it confers enhanced resistance to nematodes and a greater vigour. It is compatible with peach, nectarine, almond and some plums trees. Also called GXN.
Mirared®: hybrid between Prunus cerasifera and Nemared, the vigor of the plant is approximately 10% less than that of GF677, the leaf is red, elongated and slightly elliptical. This rootstock can be used interchangeably with peach, apricot and plum trees. It is resistant to nematodes and tolerant to Armillaria mellea. A published study shows that Mirared® is a promising rootstock for apricot cultivation to avoid problems of graft incompatibilities (Fruticulture nº90 Dec 2022).
Mirabolano 29-C: Mirabolano selection from California. It is the most widely used rootstock for modern varieties of apricot, being also compatible with plum. It gives a high vigour; it is resistant to root-knot nematodes, and moderately resistant to Agrobacterium and Armillaria. It is well-adapted to wet and not very fertile soils.
Rootpac®: Selection of different rootstock obtained by Agromillora.
Diospyros lotus: kaki rootstock. It confers high-medium vigour; its root system lacks of taproot, forming on the surface a dense root system which gives little resistance to drought. Good affinity with astringent varieties, being incompatible with the non-astringent. It is a bit sensitive to cold at the budding period. It adapts well to limestone soils, tolerating nematodes. Rootstock very sensitive to salinity, especially to chlorides accumulation, it needs plots with higher amounts of organic matter to 1.5 / 2.0%.
Diospyros virginiana: kaki rootstock. It has a high vigour, being 100% compatible with astringent and non-astringent varieties. It has a root system consisted of a strong, deep taproot that gives it a high resistance to drought. Its irrigation needs and nutrition are approximately 50% lower than D. Lotus rootstock. The immediate production of the plants in land is not suitable due to their lack of an abundant plant rooting system. It is advised a plant production in a container for its later transplanting to the land. Its budding period is 10 day later than D. Lotus one, a feature that gives it a lower frost risks, being equally sensitive. It is tolerant to Agrobacterium and limestone soils. It confers a delayed ripening period than D. Lotus, approximately 10/15 days later. Out-crop of sprouts from the base of the trunk and roots is usual, so it would be better to use no-till planting system, it is also recommended the application of herbicides to its control. As an outstanding quality, we can remark its high resistance to chloride salinity. Its main drawback is the need to control its vigour through irrigation, nutrition and if necessary with regulatory treatments to get the desired output.
Sales formats to rootstocks and seeds of persimmon.